Wouldn’t it be great if you could just input the phrase “building history research Australia” into your Google search bar, and voila! A detailed report full of information, records and amazing plans and images appears for you to pore over and make you better understand about the place you may call home or work.
If only it was that easy.
But it can be. That’s where we can swoop in and do all the dusty and musty work for you. Many people ask WHY you would want to know about the history of a building; what has it got to do with present day, how does it effect your every day? Well, understanding the history of built heritage can help to inform the custodian of a home or building about what went on before them. It can uncover the trajectory of people’s lives, businesses which operated on a site, what was happening in the area at the time to affect any changes in the use of a building and can give context about a time in history.
Building history research Australia can also help to inform the present.
If we can understand what, how and who may have operated on a particular site over the life of a building then we can help to preserve its memory and tell its story. It can help with future planning for homes and businesses. Whether that be to understand the footprint of a building, why a block was subdivided in such a way, why a dwelling was erected there at all, or whether it be to honour the past in some way by learning more about the history that surrounds us.
If you’re not that interested in learning about the history of a building, we understand. But we challenge you to walk down a city street and look up. You might be amazed at what you see.
If you do want to learn more, then get in touch with us to see how we can help you.